Thursday, June 9, 2016

Truth like Surround Sound


Awesome God, in you I live, move and have my being.  You beckon me to draw near to you, abide in you, and to seek you with my whole heart. Most gracious Father, allow your truth to flood my life through all my reading, listening, and speaking. I humbly present myself to you so that your Spirit may flow through my life and overflow into the lives of others. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.    

Truth like Surround Sound by Veronica Garrett 
  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist… Ephesians 6:14

When you buckle the belt of truth around your waist you are surrounding yourself with those things that are true. This sounds simple and yet it can be very difficult to do in our world.  If you work, live, or play in an environment surrounded by people who don’t share your love for Christ you must create the right atmosphere. 
 How do men and women who love God turn away from truth?  Simple. By living outside of it. Gradually, we trade the truth for lies.  If you stay in darkness long enough you your eyes readjust and you begin to see with distortion. The world tells us these are our ways walk in them.  These are our truths believe them.  Precious one, if you are not consciously rebelling against, disagreeing with, and transforming contrary to worldly truths it will happen all too gradually and your eyes will focus just like those who have no Savior.
 It begins with simple things. You begin to fear what they fear. You begin to value what they value. You begin to define success the same way that they do. You begin to believe you are strong when in fact you are weak. You begin to think you are rich when indeed you are poor. You begin to have short sighted, temporal goals with no eternal perspective.  You begin to work hard to get to places in a perishing world and spend no time thinking of the life that God rewards in eternity.  You begin to see people in terms of class and race, have and have not’s, instead of considering that all things are truly no value in comparison to knowing Jesus Christ.   The truth is those identified as children of the Lord Jesus Christ are most precious regardless to their position in this world.  And one day it will be obvious that they know the One in the highest place after he splits the sky and they meet him.
 There was a season in life when through the work of the Spirit there was a cleaning of my home to sweep out those things that deny the truth of God.  It could be compared to spring cleaning because the books, cds, dvds, clothing, internet sites, and television shows had to be tempered by truth.  It was a painful process but indeed it was necessary.  I am one being transformed from the inside out and everything changes when Truth takes over.
 Legalism is a kill joy but those who walk in truth, work together for truth, and love the truth must first surround themselves with its belt that secure us against our evil desires and the enemies schemes.



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