Thursday, February 18, 2016
Lock Down
Everlasting Father, thank you for a new day. Show me your ways that I
may walk in them. Lead and guide me according to your Spirit. Help me to
acknowledge you in all my ways and I know you will direct my path.
Please give me grace to live a faithful life, not leaning on my own
understanding but soleling trusting you. Give the body of Christ wisdom.
Help us to live as bold witnesses for you and to walk in unity. Please
protect the women and children in Haiti. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Lock Down by Veronica Garrett
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against
the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it
obedient to Christ. 2 Cor 10:5
The apostle Paul spoke of casting down thoughts that came against the
excellency and the knowledge of Christ. More than that he says brings
them captive. What comes to mind when you think of being taken as a
captive? Have you ever seen a captive? Captives are confined, they are
treated like fugitives that will likely do us harm given the
opportunity. How about those thoughts that are coming again God working
in your life? Do you greet them with a warm welcome? Offer them a
seat? Allow them to make themselves comfortable in the dormant of your
The way we get off track is listening to worldly wisdom. Worldly
wisdom "explains" that doing things God's way doesn't work. In fact, it
is based on lies told by the evil one. Sadly, Christians often imply
that if I do what God says He won't come through. They tell singles
they will never marry if they live holy. They tell couples they will
never get ahead if they depend on God's plan for marriage. Although
these words seem fair they oppose the knowledge of God's word. This
ideology sets itself up against the knowledge of God. He is not a man
and He does not lie.
At times I am guilty of allowing my sinful nature which is warring
against my spirit to entertain me! How so you may wonder. Simple. I
think on those things that are flaming arrows fired to quench my faith.
One by one they sow seeds of doubt and mistrust of God. My immediately
response should be no thanks, I'm not interested. My immediate response
should be a faith-filled, I'm not even trying to hear it.
Picture this, the telephone rings and it's a salesperson. You're not
buying, not interested, and not trying to prolong the conversation. You
cast down any hopes of the salesperson on the other end making a sale on
this call. Capture your thought life to bring it into conformity with
Christ. Thoughts that sows seeds of unbelief and distrust must be
placed on lockdown.
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