Thursday, February 25, 2016

Avoid Head Injuries


My gracious and compassionate Father, with unfailing love and mercy that endureth forever. I thank you for your redeeming love— I bless you Father for my salvation found in the mighty name of Jesus. No other name can one be saved except the name of your beautiful son, Jesus Christ. My sins separated me from you but Christ alone fulfills the hope I have in you. He is the solid Rock in which I stand.  All other ground is sinking sand. Help me to walk humbly before you knowing that my salvation is a gift and that my righteous deeds do not make me worthy. The worthy Lamb frees me from the punishment my sins deserve. Thank you Father for grace through faith, in the name of my Redeemer, Jesus I pray. Amen. 

 Avoid Head Injuries by Veronica Garrett 
“Take the helmet of salvation…”Ephesians 5:17
There are many injuries that can cause us severe harm but none that can cause emotional and physical paralysis like that of the brain. The brain acts as a key operating system in the human body. When the brain shuts down the entire body becomes inactive.  When our enemy attacks our minds he knows that data processing begins here.  If you ever want to see a believer set free from any stronghold, any pit, or any addiction, it begins in the mind.  Godly sorrow leads to repentance but sorrow begins with hearts and minds that know that we were created for more. 
Salvation is found in Jesus Christ.  It is found in no one else, and there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12) The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. Hearing the gospel or seeing the truth in God’s word and confessing with our mouths involves our minds.  They process the data for us to hear, see and speak. There is nothing that sets a Christian’s up for failure like not having a made up mind. If you haven’t decided to stand in faith you probably won’t.  
In Daniel 1:8, “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine”… Prior to being sat at the king’s table Daniel had already made up his mind not to eat food offered to idols.  In spite of the kings orders not to bow to any other god Daniel prayed to his God. When I’ve made up my mind to live for Christ at times reason and logic are challenged by faith. My feelings are challenged by the life of faith. My comfort zone is shaken up.  My common sense is dull because it cannot reason through faith. I must set my mind on things above and not earthly things. My mind though cooperative enough to believe in God often wars against believing God to live a life of faith. 
The enemy threatens with fear tactics in order to make us doubt and distrust God. He accuses us daily in efforts to discourage and disarm us. His psychological tactics show up as fear, worry, sadness, depression and dissatisfaction.  The helmet of salvation protects my mind so that in spite of my problems or circumstances I will believe God.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lock Down


Everlasting Father, thank you for a new day.  Show me your ways that I
may walk in them. Lead and guide me according to your Spirit. Help me to
acknowledge you in all my ways and I know you will direct my path.
Please give me grace to live a faithful life, not leaning on my own
understanding but soleling trusting you. Give the body of Christ wisdom.
Help us to live as bold witnesses for you and to walk in unity. Please
protect the women and children in Haiti. In Jesus' name, Amen. 


Lock Down by Veronica Garrett 
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against
the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it
obedient to Christ. 2 Cor 10:5


The apostle Paul spoke of casting down thoughts that came against the
excellency and the knowledge of Christ.  More than that he says brings
them captive.  What comes to mind when you think of being taken as a
captive? Have you ever seen a captive?  Captives are confined, they are
treated like fugitives that will likely do us harm given the
opportunity.  How about those thoughts that are coming again God working
in your life?  Do you greet them with a warm welcome?  Offer them a
seat?  Allow them to make themselves comfortable in the dormant of your

The way we get off track is listening to worldly wisdom.  Worldly
wisdom "explains" that doing things God's way doesn't work. In fact, it
is based on lies told by the evil one. Sadly, Christians often imply
that if I do what God says He won't come through.  They tell singles
they will never marry if they live holy. They tell couples they will
never get ahead if they depend on God's plan for marriage.  Although
these words seem fair they oppose the knowledge of God's word.  This
ideology sets itself up against the knowledge of God. He is not a man
and He does not lie.

At times I am guilty of allowing my sinful nature which is warring
against my spirit to entertain me!  How so you may wonder.  Simple.  I
think on those things that are flaming arrows fired to quench my faith.
One by one they sow seeds of doubt and mistrust of God. My immediately
response should be no thanks, I'm not interested.  My immediate response
should be a faith-filled, I'm not even trying to hear it. 

Picture this, the telephone rings and it's a salesperson.  You're not
buying, not interested, and not trying to prolong the conversation.  You
cast down any hopes of the salesperson on the other end making a sale on
this call.  Capture your thought life to bring it into conformity with
Christ.  Thoughts that sows seeds of unbelief and distrust must be
placed on lockdown. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Extreme Makeover


 Heavenly Father, you are the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. Arise, O God let your enemies be scattered. You are my hiding place. Please forgive me for shrinking back in faith when times are hard. Help me not to throw out my confidence because I  know it will be richly rewarded. Help me to perservere and do the will of God even in the challenging times.  In Christ, what matters is new creation. Help us to rejoice when the old passes away and to celebrate the new. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.  

Extreme Makeover by Veronica Garrett 

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come" (2 Corinthians 5:17)

 Christ gives his followers extreme makeovers. Reality television brings great excitement to makeovers. Many are seeking a personal makeover in their hairstyle and dress. And yet others take an ordinary car and turn it into a lively, artistic expression. And some even allow home renovations to occur. 
Homes are torn down and rebuilt. As the bulldozer destroys the old house the homeowner shouts in celebration and expectation.  And in each case the participants are eagerly anticipating the old to be removed followed by a new design.
Many of us want new creation but we don't want old things to pass away. Some of us would like to treasure disobedience, add Christ to our lives and celebrate a new thing. We really don't want old things to pass away. Satan finds great pleasure in my resistance to God's renovation. He knows that my lack of cooperation with the renovation work prevents me from being a bold testimony to the Carpenter's skill.

Phase one of the makeover includes Christ destroying ungodly alliances, unproductive habits, and all that is against His purpose.  His destruction plan demolishes what looks like perfectly good stuff to me. He also demolishes the strongholds in my life.  Most often it's like the mold and termites, the hidden things.  

When I agreed to a makeover I didn't know some things I valued would be destroyed. It appears as though He's trying to kill me because I have emotional ties to some of it. And yet in the mist of destruction He always has His purpose and plans for Phase II, the construction.  
Many avoid buying a house with a bad foundation, termites, or mold.  Jesus Christ is capable of taking what is seemingly useless and transforming me into a new creation.  In fact, any foundation that isn't built on the unshakeable Rock is faulty. Without the chief Cornerstone the building is at best shaky.
At first I have a problem with the destruction. Many people cease all operation because the destruction messes us up. It's as if something strange is happening. He knows what's best for us. He also knows the deep and hiddent things. Although, He destroys things that I thought to be valuable eventually He constructs. He rebuilds something unbelieveable. The old things have passed away and look, I am a new creation. When the gospel is preached men hear it. When the gospel is lived men see it. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Discount Christianity


  Father God, help me to deny myself daily. Help me to take up my cross each and every day and to follow you, even when I am uncomfortable. Help me to love Truth and to walk by faith and not by sight. Give me strength, courage, and a willingness to serve you on your terms.Help me to live a surrendered life that you may receive glory. Please help my unbelief-I find it easy to trust you in many areas and in others I struggle. I declare my confidence and hope in you in the name of Jesus' I pray, Amen.  

Discount Christianity by Veronica Garrett 

 Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”(Luke 9:23)

Following the Lord and daring to trust Him beyond myself is often hard. Surrendering my desires, hopes and dreams is at times a painful journey.  At times denying oneself is such a sad thing, but how else can a resurrected life be lived.  In order to live a new life by His power the old one has to die. The water immersion symbolized the death to self and newness of life in Christ.  
If we are not careful we promise people all the benefits of spirit filled living in what I call discount Christianity.  Webster defines a discount as a reduction made from a regular or list price. Many who are not willing to pay the price of being a disciple but would like to claim the peace and joy of the Lord, the power of God and blessing of His provision. They spend days, months, and years wondering why this Christianity thing doesn't seem to quite work for them.  
Meanwhile, everything about their message, their vision and values are counter Christianity.  The peace and joy of the Lord abided in the heart of those who are willing to trust and obey. Discount Christianity won't bring the power of God because He fills Himself into vessels that are poured out for His sake. The idea that God blesses rebellion and disobedience is untrue. His mercy and his blessings are entirely different.
In our society, many saints are left thinking that maybe if the Way wasn't so narrow, we could recruit celebrities who could attract a following for Jesus.  A discount Christianity says if we place a 75 %-90%  sticker sale then many will follow Christ. Just come to church and pay your tithes. God's wants to bless you. These two are a good start.  He wants a few hours of your time as well as 10% of your income, but more than these He wants YOU. While exercising your faith you are blessed.  
Many Christians are doing the Hokey Pokey. We spend a great deal of stepping out in faith and shrinking back from faith. Christ paid the full price for you. He took up the cup of suffering for me. Mere Christianity is giving one's life to Christ. When the Lord Jesus Christ has 100% of you then and only then are you most useful to Him and most privy to His resources (for His name sake).