Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart. PSALM 34:14
The disciple of Christ must learn to receive from God. We must freely pour out our hearts before God. We must be willing to ask for our needs and desires with child like dependence. Many declaration and decrees hold to faith like one pulling a slot machine handle. We demand much from God but we are unwilling to give ourselves to Him.
Mastering a method of asking may work but a better way is to learn the law of receiving. We inquire of God as if He has no desire to bless us when it is quite the opposite. He is longing to be gracious to you. When we learn to occupy ourselves with God's interest He overwhelms us with His concern for ours. Over and over in scripture God declares and I will bless you...and I will bless you...and I will bless you.
God desires to bless all of His children. A surrendered life appears to be a risky decision but it is the place of rich blessing. Those who were willing to take God at His word realized that being a living sacrifice is the place of privilege. God glorifies Himself in lives that belong to Him. Instead of always asking for God's blessings we come to realize that the heart of God has always been it's his pleasure to bless us.
God is eagerly searching for lives that He can show Himself strong in, men and women who will take Him at His word. Will you give him that privilege? The evidence of Him working in your life will assure not only you, but others as well and bear witness to Him.
We should concentrate on learning to receive from God and not so much on learning how to ask. When we learn to receive our lives will bear witness to our God who exceeds our expectations. So much more He wants to give the body of Christ in this hour. So much more He wants to do in our lives. So many rich testimonies He wants from our lives. Wherever He ask you to step out in faith HE IS THERE waiting to show His approval, it's His pleasure!!!
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