Wednesday, February 26, 2014


practicing or working out?

Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:12-13

My three year old daughter, Gabrielle loves to work out with me.  She says, “Mom, I want to practice.”  It humors me that she considers a fifty minute Zumba “work out” a “practice”.  I tell her, I’m not practicing, I’m working out.  As I step on the Rizer, she alters the quality of my workout due to her close proximity.   I spend a great deal of time focusing on her whereabouts to avoid tripping over her.  Sometimes I try to sneak and work out without her.  Nevertheless, when she hears the music, she runs to grab her sneakers and her step so she can “practice”. 

This made me think of how many times I go to church and acquire knowledge about God but never actually do what it says.  Week after week I acquire more knowledge and listen to new testimonies of what God can and will do.  I just practice by hearing the word but not becoming a doer of it. If we are not careful our religious experience can become like a performance due to our practicing but not really working out.  We can sing, shout and dance but never really work out.

Through the spoken and written word God is calling us to enjoy a good work out. The Bible is very clear that I need to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. God does the internal change in my heart and I must work out what He has worked in. The thing about working out is that an intimate relationship with God will always work out the external evidence of His hand moving in our lives.  The obvious transformation will not go unnoticed by those around us. What we do in secret will eventually come to the light.  Our small exercises of faith will eventually produce spiritual muscles.

My good friend has committed herself to physical wellness. She’s lost over 40 pounds.  She’s changed her diet, as well as her lifestyle to realize amazing results.  When I see her it is obvious to me that she is working out.  Her results are the evidence of what happens when we commit ourselves to physical wellness.  She attends 5:00 A.M.  Training classes as well as completes distance runs. 

When we cooperate with God there is an obvious spiritual transformation that takes place.  What has happened in my friend’s life is what happens in any person who commits themselves to working out the way that she does. Her results have improved her physical health. Spiritually speaking, as we honor God by working out what He has put within us quite naturally we are changed. People who we admire in Christ are the ones who are willing to do what God says.  The Holy Spirit equips us for every good work.  As we yield to the Spirit of God, God “works out” of us what He has put in.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Jesus Loves Me This I Know


I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. Ephesians 1:17-19

As a young girl I sat on the pew with pressed curls, fancy socks and patent leather shoes.  Often giggling and playing with cousins while the preacher stood on a platform speaking with authority.  Something special happened in this place called church. Although the music and singing were beautiful, more than that was the peace and joy that exuded the place. At times childhood naps were commonplace which were later replaced by whispers, doodles and note passing.  This was and still is the training center, the place of liberty, new life, and the fullness of joy.

I remember coming to a point of decision. Even as a young girl I knew that I wanted Jesus. In fact, it was clear to me that I needed Him. I spoke to my dad because I didn’t want to miss the opportunity. The appeal knocked at the door of my heart and I opened it. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior because I believed He died on the cross for my sins, He was buried and resurrected on the third day. Wow, even then I knew that He was mine and I was His.

In time I put aside those girlish curls and Sunday dresses and somehow the main thing didn’t just stay the main thing. I didn’t intend for it to be that way but it happened that way. Sometimes life can be challenging and navigating it can be even tougher. In times of sure disappointment, loss, grief, sadness, and brokenness it can be overwhelming. I love music and at the points of crisis and sadness I have a song.  The song is, “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so”. The depth of my sure confidence in His love is the song that can lift me from any bottomless pit.

He not only calls me from the pit but He comes there to get me. Everyone yells, “get out of that pit,” but not Jesus.  He comes in and takes a seat, not to condemn me but to lift me. He delivers me. In fact, His love is not simply an emotion but a decision to love me. He couldn’t possibly love me more or less, because His love is protected, guarded, unchanging and faithful. When by their actions, others have shown me they didn’t find me loveable, Jesus, is consistent to love me extravagantly.

This deep yearning I have can’t be filled with any one or thing else. All the idols my heart could hold and still I would be left longing.  Nothing else can satisfy. He is the One who can show up in the midnight hour to bring comfort. Elevated, barb-wired, electronic fences and prison bars can’t keep Him out! He is the One who through divine providence, strings along messages to me, open doors for me, and turns it around for me. He is the One who heals the body as well as the heart. He is the One that when you have nothing else but Him, you have everything.  And when you have everything this world can offer without Him, you still have nothing! 

He’s the One! He’s the One! As we celebrate love take time to bask in His. He made sure this song was in your heart as well as mine before we could even speak clearly.  Oh He loves us so and He wanted us to always know!  People may come and they may go but not Jesus. Jesus loves me this I know!